Friday, November 14, 2008


About 26 Weeks!


Sorry it's been so long since I have blogged. I literally have not have one spare minute in the last several days. I just got back from California where my family threw me a baby shower. It was very exciting to see all of my family and so fun to get all that little boy stuff! I enjoyed the food so much. They feed me constantly.
I think Joel is going to have "Magic Hands" when it comes to this baby. He will be kicking up a storm and soon and Joel touches my belly he stops! I know he will look forward to his hands when he is born.
We still haven't settled on a name. I am going to try and figure out how to put a voting poll on here some how and let you guys decide. Joel thinks we should name him "Sue". You Johnny Cash fans will get that one.
Pregnancy is still easy for the most part. My feet are swelling with my long hours and causing broken capillaries. Looks ugly but does not hurt. It's getting harder to turn over in bed at night. Joel is making beeping sounds whenever I back up. Then just laughs. He also makes farting noises behind me when I go up the stairs.
Joel bought a 4 wheeler for the Ranch. He is going out there all next week. He is so excited about it and I can't wait spend some time out there. I have never been and have always heard the family talk about Dorothy and her family. It must be a special place. Will post more later.