Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ethan Benjamin Hoover

Well if you haven't been following the voting - it was a landslide. The name is set. We just got back from the Doctor. Ethan weighs 3.6 pounds. We did a 3D sono, He appears to be perfectly healthy and normal with the exception of one GIANT nose. Me and Joel saw it at the same time and said "is that his nose!?" Joel said if he could be born with that nose full of nickels neither one of us would have to go back to work.! But I'm sure it will be precious. I suspect he will see that sono picture later on in life when he least expects it; such as graduation or wedding day. I asked Joel to post the pic but he said he didn't think he could get it all on one computer screen.

Christmas is finally here. I am sad that I have to work though. That's the shift worker blues. Joel got lucky this year and his days off fell perfectly so he will be traveling to his family then on to the ranch.

I will miss my mom and dad terribly this year but will look forward to seeing them later on in the year.

I am about officially done with the pregnancy thing. It has lost it's glamour. I cannot seem to get comfortable when I am trying to sleep. I have indigestion when I lay down. Any advice from you moms will be appreciated.

People have been asking if my nursery is finished-I'm embarrassed to admit that there is absolutely nothing in there except clothes. That's really not like me. Maybe he's changing me already. Joel said we can keep him in a basket of clothes by the bed and he'd be alright. If I don't get on the ball that may be where he sleeps.

Love to all please pray for all those families that are traveling and those that are serving our country.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

New happenings!!

It was great to see everyone at Thanksgiving. I am already missing everybody. I wish we could get together more often. I need to get with everyone and find out what the plans are for Christmas. I am already looking forward to it. I was unable to see my parents and brothers' family. Maybe I can see them at Christmas time. I also wanted to say thank-you to the Hoover/Thomas/Branch family for being so sweet to my sister and her family. I think Neal met his first girlfriend!

When we left for Thanksgiving we went by Dorothy's Ranch. It was the first time I had gotten to see it. I can see why Joel loves it so much. Such a peaceful place. If he ever comes up missing that's the first place I will look. If he had a choice he would go there and never go back in to town! I did not realize that there was so much to running a place like that. I listened to Joel, Bobby and the Walkers discuss everything and was in awe. I enjoyed watching the Walker twins play and giggle together. It reminded me of me and my sister.

As far as the Baby goes he's getting bigger everyday and his kicks are getting much stronger. Joel says he's already in trouble for tearing up things-referring to my belly. Joel is becoming a little more fascinated with the belly. At first he just laughed when he saw it. He will actually touch it now. When I see my sister, it gives me hope that I may actually return to normal. She looks great, it's truly amazing what the body can do. So far I am still enjoying the pregnancy and overall it has been very easy.
In case you haven't heard I am having surgery on Tuesday. I am very uneasy about it but I have no choice-my mouth is bothering me so much that I cannot sleep. I should have had my wisdom teeth out a long time ago. Apparently the procedure is safe for pregnant women and my OBGYN has been in touch with my Oral Surgeon.

In other news I finally decided on a new vehicle. After all the looking we went with our first choice. I have never driven and SUV, it's big but I am getting used to it. Big enough to fit more kids! Hahaha
I hope eveyone is feeling better. Jan was so sick during Thanksgiving and now Nicole is very sick too.
Were so excited about Erica and Beau's little girl Sadie. She will be here just after ours and I am sure they will be fast friends.

On another note Joel and Henri got a call from another Sheriff that wants them to come to work for him. I thought he was through with the drug stuff. Apparently he has made big impressions on people from his past in that line of work. I do not want to move again, but I know that he is very bored and under employed where he is currently working. His current employers do not encourage drug interdiction and that's really the only thing that Joel enjoy's doing. I don't think that his employers or even his coworkers realize how good he is at that stuff.
Anyway he was always made the right decisions for us so I expect the same this time.

Keep us in your prayers.

Friday, November 14, 2008


About 26 Weeks!


Sorry it's been so long since I have blogged. I literally have not have one spare minute in the last several days. I just got back from California where my family threw me a baby shower. It was very exciting to see all of my family and so fun to get all that little boy stuff! I enjoyed the food so much. They feed me constantly.
I think Joel is going to have "Magic Hands" when it comes to this baby. He will be kicking up a storm and soon and Joel touches my belly he stops! I know he will look forward to his hands when he is born.
We still haven't settled on a name. I am going to try and figure out how to put a voting poll on here some how and let you guys decide. Joel thinks we should name him "Sue". You Johnny Cash fans will get that one.
Pregnancy is still easy for the most part. My feet are swelling with my long hours and causing broken capillaries. Looks ugly but does not hurt. It's getting harder to turn over in bed at night. Joel is making beeping sounds whenever I back up. Then just laughs. He also makes farting noises behind me when I go up the stairs.
Joel bought a 4 wheeler for the Ranch. He is going out there all next week. He is so excited about it and I can't wait spend some time out there. I have never been and have always heard the family talk about Dorothy and her family. It must be a special place. Will post more later.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I want Mommies opinion

Everything is going good over here. I am getting bigger and bigger and wonder just how big I am gonna get. A few days ago I went and bought Halloween candy for the tricker treaters....we'll it turned out I bought it for myself. Than I realized this is just the beginning of the holidays (scary thought). I think it should be a rule if you are prego during the holidays than it's okay to gain an extra 5-10 lbs. So than I began to day dream ahead and thought "Okay, the next baby I will plan for the summer months." Than I was horrified of the thought of putting on a swimsuit. Sooo... to all you moms "which season is it best to be pregnant in?"
Wait until Joel reads this and knows I am already thinking about the next one (he'll die). I tease him all the time and tell him I am mexican and this is just the beginning. My pregnancy has been going so well I tell him "it turns out I am good at this."
I can't wait for the holidays...no not for the food but b/c I can't wait to see all of the family.
I am also looking forward to Nov5-8th. I am going to Cali to see my parents and extended family. I can't wait for my mom to see my growing belly. They are gonna gave a baby shower while I am out there and I am gonna get to see all my aunts and cousins.
Also, I was thinking about having a coed baby shower in Dallas. What do ya'll think about that? This is Joel's first as well and I just want him to experience how welcomed this baby is.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joel's funny personality

As you all know Joel has a very funny personality and pregnancy has just added fuel. I was reviewing with Joel what all I think I need for the baby (probably really Don't need). Joel taps on my belly and says "hurry up and get out and get a job! You are already costing way too much." hehe
This morning I was discussing with Joel that I think I have the baby sitting situation handled. He said " Good, does that include him being alone any? Because I want him to be independent."
One more...Every time I go to the bathroom Joel says "Did your water break?"
I am glad Joel is keeping his funny personality in my pregnancy and hopefully in parenting too. He's definitly keeping me laughing.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sister's House

Last night I was explaining to Joel that the baby always stayed to one side. Joel said he thought the baby was snuggling up to my bladder and the baby probably thinks it is his brother.....and that he will be disappointed to find out it is not.
My belly is "itching" today....hope that does not mean future stretch marks!
Went over to sister's today. Neal was sweet and just talked and talked. It's so sweet to hear how he thinks. Nicole is a sweet baby and getting bigger. Nathan is sick and not feeling good.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finally started!

After much urging (complaining) from family members, I finally found the time to start a blog. With Joel's computer help of course. As most of you know I have not embraced the computer as much as some - so maybe this will help me keep you informed and cut down on other emails.

For those of you that don't know yet, it is going to be a BOY. Growing everyday and everything has been easy so far. (sorry Erica) I feel great except for when Joel says that I look like a snake that has swallowed a large animal.

Joel and I went to the baby store to get an idea of what we will need. I have a feeling that this will be left largely up to me. For all you moms to get a laugh - Joel wanted to know why we even needed a stroller!! Then I realized how much he has to learn.

We miss everyone and hope to see everyone during Thanksgiving. Joel is especially looking forward to seeing Jonathan and the new baby, as we all are.

I will try and learn how to post pictures and other useless stuff.